23 – 30 September 2016

(Play begins on 24 September)




1.        EVENTS

2.        EVENT FORMAT





7.        REFEREEING











V 3.4.1


Johannesburg, South Africa

23 – 30 September 2016




The Championships will be conducted under the World Squash Federation (WSF) World Championship Regulations.


1.       EVENTS

The following age category events will be run for Men and Women, subject to the rules below:


Men:             35 – 39 years                      Women:     35 – 39 years

                                40 – 44 years                                            40 – 44 years

                                45 – 49 years                                            45 – 49 years

                                50 – 54 years                                            50 – 54 years

                                55 – 59 years                                            55 – 59 years

                                60 – 64 years                                            60 – 64 years

                                65 – 69 years                                            65 – 69 years

                                70 – 74 years                                            70 – 74 years

                                75 – 79 years                                            75 + years

                                80 + years


·         Players must have reached the minimum age of their category by the start date of the Championships, namely 24 September 2016. 

·         Players must play in the event for which they qualify by age.

·         Players may enter only one event.

·         Players must present their passport or identity document on registration to confirm their date of birth.



·         All events with 16 players or more will be run as Knockout Draws with additional Plate, Consolation Plate and Classic Plate draws. 

·         Events with fewerthan 16 players may be run in a pool format.

·         All players will be offered a minimum of 3 matches, where possible.  However, please note that walkover results will be treated as actual matches played.

·         For an event to be considered a World Championship there must be a minimum of 8 players from at least three countries participating.

·         If less than 8 players have entered an event that event may be combined with another event.

·         A player who enters the Championships is expected to complete all scheduled matches and compete in all eligible plate draws.  Players should commit to compete for the full duration of the Championships.

·         No prize money is offered for any of the events.



·         The Seeding of all events will be done by the WSF Masters Seeding Panel convened for the Event.

·         It is important that all entrants provide relevant information on playing standard and previous results when completing their entry, to assist with seedings.





·         Thursday 22 September:              Player Registration and Practice

·         Friday 23 September:                     Player Registration and Practice

                                                                                Opening Function

·         Saturday 24 September:               First day of match play

·         Sunday 25 September:                  Second day of match play

·         Monday 26 September:                                Third day of match play

·         Tuesday 27 September:                                Fourth day of match play

·         Wednesday 28 September:         Fifth day of match play

·         Thursday 29 September:              Sixth day of match play

·         Friday 30 September:                     Finals

Prize Giving at Squash Venues to follow last scheduled matches

                                                                                Closing Function



·         All matches are to be played in accordance with the WSF’s The Rules of Squash.

·         Point-A-Rally scoring to 11 will apply to all men’s and women’s age category events.

·         19” tins will be used for all events.

·         All players must report to the relevant venue Tournament Office 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of every match.

·         A player may be disqualified and the match awarded to the opponent if he or she arrives 10 minutes or more after the scheduled start time or after the court becomes available, if later.

·         All players must wear appropriate squash clothing and non-marking shoes which conforms to WSF regulation L.



·         The WSF official ball – Dunlop - will be used for all matches.

·         The high altitude Dunlop green dot ball will be used for all men’s and women’s matches for the age category events from 35 + to 59 years.

·         The Dunlop double yellow dot ball will be used for all men’s and women’s age category events from 60 + and older.



·         Official qualified referees will be present throughout the Championships.  However, all players must be available to referee after playing a match, if requested.



·         The Championships will be played at a number of venues.  The main venues will be The Wanderers Club, Parkview Squash Centre, The University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) and The Country Club Johannesburg (Auckland Park).  The latter 3 clubs are within 2 Km of each other whilst The Wanderers Club is approximately 7 Km north of Parkview Squash Centre.

·         All courts comply with WSF court specifications.

·         Food and beverages will be available at all venues throughout each day.



·         Player registration will take place in the squash complex at The Country Club Johannesburg (Auckland Park) on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 September between the hours of 9h00 and 17h00.  Registration for players arriving after Friday 23 September will be at Parkview Squash Centre.

·         All players will receive a tournament shirt and a welcome pack.






·         The championship hotels are situated mainly in the Rosebank area which is central between The Wanderers and the other three venues.  Rosebank is a good office, shopping and restaurant hub in the northern suburbs of Johannesburg and close to the Gautrain, a railway service which links Rosebank to Johannesburg’s international airport. 

·         Players will need to book and pay fortheir own accommodation. 

·         For information on the hotels, and to book, go to “HOTELS” on the website.



The following official functions will be held during the Championships:

Opening Function:

                This will be held at The Country Club Johannesburg (Auckland Park).  Players who choose the Basic

Entry Fee option will need to sign up using the Opening Function “add-on” in order to attend.

Players may book tickets for non-playing companions or spouses in advance.

        Closing Function:

                This will be held in the Ballroom at The Wanderers Club.

                Players must book in advance using the Closing Function “add-on” as tickets will be limited to 400.

                Players may book tickets for non-playing companions or spouses in advance.



·         A shuttle bus service will operate from The Crowne Plaza hotel, a championship hotel, which is centrally situated in Rosebank, to The Wanderers, Parkview Squash Centre, Wits and The Country Club Johannesburg. 

·         The shuttle bus service will include the Opening and Closing Functions and will operate from Friday 23 to Friday 30 September.

·         To use the Transport, players must sign up for Transport.  See Player Entry Fees.

·         Please note that there will be no airport pick-up or drop-off service provided.

·         Players arriving at Johannesburg International Airport (OR Tambo) are advised to use the Gautrain Rail Service to the Rosebank station which is close to the tournament hotels.  Transfer from Rosebank station to each hotel is by own arrangement.



There are a number of options available to South African entrants.

The fees are for South African residents only and payable in SA Rands.

Basic Entry Fee:

1.       “Early Bird” Basic Entry Fee is available until 31 January 2016:                                             R1,000

2.       “Standard” Basic Entry Fee applies from 1 February 2016 until 12 August 2016:            R1,300

                The Basic Entry Fee does not include the Opening Function or Transport but these can be added.


       Package Entry Fee:

1.       “Early Bird” Package Entry Fee is available until 31 January 2016:                                         R1,925

2.       “Standard” Package Entry Fee applies from 1 February 2016 until 12 August 2016:      R2,225  

The Package Entry Fee includes the Opening Function and Tournament Transport at discounted rates.



1.       The Opening Function                           R450

2.       Transport                                                    R650

3.       The Closing Function                             R700



SA Players may book for Transport and the Opening and Closing Functions for non-playing South African Residents when entering the Championships.  Alternatively, non-playing South African Residents may book separately by going to the Non-Players button on the website.

The fees for non-playing South African Residents are as follows:

1.       The Opening Function                                           R450

2.       Transport (including a lanyard)                           R650

3.       The Closing Function                                              R700



·         Entries must be made via the TO ENTER button on the website – www.wsfworldmasters.com or directly to  https://wsf.tournamentsoftware.com/.Choose the Championship Events option.

·         All entrants are required to have an activated SPIN (Squash Personal Identification Number), which can be secured at http://www.worldsquash.org/ws/spins .

·         Payments must be made via credit or debit card.

·         Confirmation of entry will be emailed to the player once payment has been confirmed.  Should confirmation of entry not be received, please contact the organisers at the address provided on the website.

·         Entries will close on Friday 12 August 2016 at 23h59 GMT. 

·         Entry Fees, function fees and transport fees are non-refundable after the closing of entries on Friday 12 August 2016.  Prior to the closing date, refunds will be made less a 25% administration fee, provided the request is made by the player by email or in writing and is received by the closing date.

·         It is the player’s responsibility to check that their entry has been received before the closing date. No responsibility can be taken by the Championship organisers for entries not received.



All non-South African entrants are advised to check if they require a visa to enter South Africa and to apply for the appropriate travel documentation well in advance of the Championship dates.


By submitting an entry form for the 2016 World Masters Squash Championships players agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations governing the Championships and declare as set out in section 17 below that they are aware of the Anti-Doping regulations and procedures as set out in Section W and Appendix G of the WSF World Championship Regulations.  Under these regulations you accept that you may be dope tested at any stage of the Championships and will be subject to the penalties set out in the World Championship Regulations if the test(s) prove positive.  This declaration also covers participation in Plate Events as applicable to this Championship.


All players enter and compete in the Championships at their own risk.  The event organisers, the sponsors, Squash South Africa and the WSF accept no liability whatsoever for injury or loss arising from participation in the Championships.  It is strongly recommended that all participants take out suitable insurance to cover themselves in the event of injury, loss, illness or accident. 


Players who book tickets on behalf of non-players do so at their own risk.  The event organisers, the sponsors, Squash South Africa and the WSF accept no liability whatsoever for injury or loss incurred by a non-player arising from their presence at any of the functions, the venues or from using the tournament transport.







I hereby confirm my entry to participate in the 2016 WSF World Masters Squash Championships and declare:

1.    that the National Federation which I am eligible to represent is a Full or Associate Member of the World Squash Federation (WSF) and that I conform to the age requirement (which may be verified in accordance with the Regulations) and have a SPIN (refer to section 15 above);

2.    that I am aware of the WSF World Championship Regulations that govern this Championship and hereby agree to abide by all such Rules and Regulations;

3.    that I have read this Championship Information document and accept all the conditions contained therein;

4.    that I shall participate at my own risk and not hold the organisers, the sponsors, the host association or the WSF responsible for any loss, injury, disability or death arising from such participation;

5.    that I understand that anti-doping tests will be carried out on any or all players at any time from arrival until departure and accept and undertake to abide by the current WSF Anti-Doping Rules, and that I, as a member of my WSF Member Nation hereby declare as follows:

·         that I shall comply with and be bound by all of the provisions of the WSF Anti-Doping Rules, including but not limited to, all amendments to the Anti-Doping Rules and all International Standards as issued by the World Anti-Doping Agency and permanently published on its website.

·         I acknowledge that PSA, WSF Member Nations and National Anti-Doping Organisations have jurisdiction to impose sanctions as provided in the WSF Anti-Doping Rules.

·         I acknowledge and agree that any dispute arising out of a decision made pursuant to the WSF Anti-Doping Rules, after exhaustion of the process expressly provided for in the WSF Anti-Doping Rules, may be appealed exclusively as provided in Article 13 of the WSF Anti-Doping Rules to an appellate body for final and binding arbitration, which in the case of International-Level Athletes is the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).

·         I acknowledge and agree that the decisions of the arbitral appellate body referenced above shall be final and enforceable, and that I will not bring any claim, arbitration, lawsuit or litigation in any other court or tribunal.


       6.     that I have read, understood and accept this declaration.